Types of Mining Methods

In this post you will get some knowledge about the mining methods. Let's start...

The mining is generally divided into two types...
1.Opencast Mining
2.Underground Mining

Further the underground mining is mainly divided into two types...
They are a.Board and Pillar mining
                 b.Longwall Mining

                    Opencast Mining
The opencast mining is that type of mining which is directly open to sky or every work is done directly under to the roof of sky.
The working of opencast mining involves the formation of bench and the supervision of work is easy.

                 Underground Mining
The working which is below the ground surface is called underground mining method.
As above stated the underground mining is mainly divided into two types 
1.Board and pillar:- In this method of Mining the working involves the formation of boards and pillars(which supports roof).
2.Longwall :- In this method of mining the working involves the formation of long walls and the roof is supported artificially (by filling and by artificial supports).
The working of underground mining is very complicated,so there is lot of difficulties in supervision.

We will discuss details of every mining methods, one by one in the next posts...
The details about their applicability conditions, advantages and disadvantages.

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