Bord and Pillar Method

Bord and Pillar Method of mining involves in the formation of roadways and the development of Mines.
The first stage of working of Bord and Pillar Method is Called Development. In the development stage parallel roads are driven nearly at right angle to the first set. These roads are also use to join the separated coal blocks.
The network of roads regularly increases as development of the mine.

The second stage of working of Board and Pillar Method  of mining is called Depillaring.

The Depillaring can be understood by It's name(De-Pillaring). In Depillaring the working involves in the extraction of coal from the Pillars. These are two stages of this mining method.

The another name of Bord and Pillar method is "Pillar and Stall".

For the application of Bord and Pillar Method there are some conditions to be full filled.
Conditions are....
•The thickness of seam seam should be more than 1.5m.
•There is less amount of dirt bands present in seams.
•Seams are not at greater depth.
•The glassiness of seams are not very high.
•Strong roof and floor is required for development and stand till the mining is over.

As we know that every mining methods having some advantages and disadvantages, So it is required to know

Advantages :-
• As the development stage involves in formation of pillar which is of solid coal. So less support is required.
• No unproductive work is done after reaching to coal seams. It is because both the stages are productive (Development and Depillaring).
• Geological disturbance can be identified during development stage.
• The requirement of maintenance is less for Roadways and Airways because the are in solid coal.
• The working team is usually small which helps to calculate the performance and provides more coordination.
• Railway, important building and other necessary features do not get disturbed.

Disadvantages :-
• Ventilation is not good.
• Extraction loss is high.
• Supervision is not good because the working is on the number of palaces.
• At greater depth the pressure on roof is not easily controllable.
• The subsidence is not easily predictable or controllable.

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