Introduction to Ventilation

In underground mining ventilation is a necessary part. The purpose of ventilation is to full-fill the supply of oxygen for the working of men and machinery. It also clears the fumes, fogs or damps from the underground mines. We can say the working of mines is directly depends upon this. So let's know more details....
Fan ventilation system by a duct

There are two main routes of ventilation
1. Intake :- The intake is the path from where the atmospheric air enters to mines.
Intake air is fresh air because it comes directly from the atmosphere.

2. Return :- It is the path from where the contaminated air comes out from the mines. The contamination are of dust, firedamp, CO and also other types of fumes in small percentage. That's why it is necessary to check the presence of different gases on regular basis by which you can predict the emission of different types of gases.

These are main routes but there are many sub routes are divided in Mines. These sub routes use to supply atmospheric air to needy place.

In the ventilation the knowledge of air composition is most important (which you can know here  Gas Testing ). It is a big and an important section and the proper working experience and knowledge is important.
It is also involves in clearing of fire damp and also treats coal dust which are responsible for the explosion in Mines.

The ventilation involves in installing of auxiliary fans, making of partitions, sealing of area which is not under working and also monitor the percentage of different gases at different places by regular basis.
Previously it was difficult to calculate percentage of gases due to this many accidents were occurring. But now many moder electronic devices are available for detection.
In previously mining man were using Munia bird or rat to detect the presence of carbon monoxide but now there many mobile instruments are available to check their percentage.

How air splits?
- As you have studied about the series and parallel connections, just like that air splits and calculation is also alike.
The routes are blocked and opened as per requirement. Temporary blockage are made by Brattice cloths and the permanent blockage made by standing wall of bricks.

*Many gadgets as hygrometer, kantathermometer, barometer are available and they performs different tasks...And also you can know about the different types of ventilation, ventilating fans, regulation regarding about this topic, some formulae.

If you have any question or suggestion about this post you can contact me.
I will explain one by one...Stay here for next one...

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