Testing of Gas by using Flame Safety Lamp

We undergoes two types of tests for the detection and estimation of the presence of firedamp. They are.....
1.Accumulation Test
2.Percentage Test

1.Accumulation Test...
The accumulation test is the testing of firedamp in that area which not ventilated or comparatively less ventilated (they are rising gallery, Goff, face, top most air layer and blind heading).
The accumulation test is conducted by Safety Lamp with normal flame by simply holding in hand and raising upwards and the motion should be zig-zag. If it give positive result there is no need to conduct percentage test.
The positive result can be identified when the flame of lamp is "jumping" or "springing". It indicates that the % of firedamp is more than 3.

2.Percentage Test....
When the accumulation test don't clearly the accumulation of firedamp, it is wise to take percentage test. This test gives more accurate knowledge about the accumulation.
A standard flame is required to take percentage test. The measurement of height of gas cap gives the accumulation percentage of gas. But when the methane percentage is between 1.5 to 4, a observer can identify the percentage. Below 1.5 the % is not easily can be identified and also above 4% the flame becomes higher than glass height.
*When the percentage of gas reaches the lower flammable limits, the explosion takes place and the lamp is extinguish due to explosion.

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