F S L Components and Safety Features

As we know the Flame Safety Lamp having different components and the function of each component is different and also their important. So, it it important to know about every component and their function...
So let's know.......
2-D of Flame Safety Lamp
The above figure may not be appropriate but you can understand almost every part of lamp..
1.Oil vessel:- It reserves oil.
2. Wick adjuster:- It is used to adjust height of wick.
A pointer is passes from oil vessel and welded at the bottom of vessel. By this we can adjust height of flame without opening the lamp.
3. Wick Holder:- It is a small narrow tube.
4. Glass Holder:- It is threaded with bonnet on which the glass rests.
5.Asbestos Ring:- Two rings are use for the safety purposes which makes the glass joint leak proof. One ring is at the top of glass and other the bottom.
6. Combustion Chimney :- In combustion chimney the gases passes after the combustion.
7. Outer and Inner wire gauze:- The wire gauze is used to prevent the passes of internal flame to the outer atmosphere. The wire gauze consume all the heat. The dissipation of heat is by radiation. The slow dissipation of heat from inner gauze to outer gauze and outer gauze to atmosphere (due to this the heat is below the ignition temperature and provide safety to the explosion.).
8. Magnetic Locking :- It is a important part of safety feature. It locks the bonnet with oil vessel.
•For opening the lock a magnet of high magnetic field is required.
The spring loaded pointer is moving from groove to groove and fitted into one of the groove of ratchet.
9. Pillars:- In flame safety lamp there are five pillars. The bonnet is on the pillars.
10. Waffle Ring:- The waffle ring having hole from which the air enters to the lamp.
11. Deflector Ring:- An ring is at the mid height of the lamp which deflect the inlet air to the downward.
12. Bonnet :- It is covers the wire gauze.
13. Vent Hole :- After combustion the gas goes out of the lamp.
14. Carrying Hook :- It is use to hold lamp and for carrying at knee height.

● Now some lamp have relighting  arrangement in which the dry cells are used. The clack wise rotation of regulating of knob cause downward movement of snuffer tube. Due to the extra length of wick is exposed and as the heating of filament the wick glows. After that the regulator knob is bought to original position by anticlockwise rotation.

Safety Feature of Flame Safety Lamp
Wire gazes ( No. of gazes are two)  are use to dissipate heat in the form of radiation so there is no chance of ignition of outer methane.
•The magnetic lock prevents to open lamp in underground.
• The glass is strong enough to bear the pressure of explosion and also even fall from some height it does not break.
• Five pillar save the glass from any harm from outside.
• The asbestos ring is used for making air tight.
• The bonnet safes from external heat and also from air current.
• The lamp made of such a metal which is robust , dissipate heat and also of light weight.

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