Mine Gases-The physiological Effects 1

1.Carbon Monoxide
The Carbon Monoxide is very poisonous gas and it's affinity towards the Haemoglobin is nearly 300times greater than Oxygen.Even if it is present in small quantity reduces the absorption of Oxygen for the blood.It may be named as sweet poison because without the carbon Monoxide Detector no one can identify it's presence.
It's increase in percentage can cause....
At following percentage effects can be identified as
0.02-Headache,discomfort and may collapse within 45 to 2 hours.
0.12-Palpitations after 10 minutes of work or 30 minutes at rest.
0.2-Unconsciousness after 10 minutes at work or 30 minutes at rest.
0.5-1.0(Death within 10-15 minutes).
*Sources- Spontaneous combustion, Incomplete combustion etc.

2.Carbon Dioxide
The sources of Carbon Dioxide are oxidation of Coal, Decay of timber, IC engines etc.
The Carbon Dioxide when dissolve in water forms Carbolic acid.It would cause mild irritation because of the presence of water (eyes, Nose , throat) and in respiratory system due formation of Carbolic acid.

Physiological Effects:
10%- Burning sensation on Mucous membrane.
5.8%-Breathing rate Double

It is most important gas to survive but only 25% of inhaled oxygen is used by lungs and rest come-out.
Source:- Ventilation air
Physiological Effects:-At
17%-Faster and deeper breathing.
15%-Dizziness, buzzing in ear, faster heart bear.
13%-Loss of consciousness on long exposure.
9%-Fainting and unconsciousness.
7%-Life endangered.
6%-Convulsive movement, Death.

Detection:- It can be detected by flame safety lamp.But now the electronic gadgets are also available for detection.

4.Nitrogen:- It is act as inert gas as it has no adverse effects on human as long as percentage of oxygen is sufficient.


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