Detonator:- It is a small tube of copper or aluminium having a small auxiliary charge of special explosive. Reaction in Detonator is initiated by flame or electric current. After explosion detonator provides sufficient intensity to ignite explosive. These are the types of detonator.. 1. Plain detonator:- It is also called ordinary detonator. These detonators are fired by safety fuse, spark or spit. Plain detonators are of aluminium tube having 6mm diameter and 50mm length. The is filled by A.S.A(1/3) and P.E.T.N. A.S.A is primary composition which initiate base charge called P.E.T.N which is a powerful explosive. And 2. Ordinary electric detonator :- These detonators are fired by using electricity. In this detonator the primary charge and base charge are same as plain detonator but these are fired by the passage of current thorough fuse head. Further they are divided as:- ¡. Low tension detonator ¡¡. High tension detonator 3. Delay detonator:- These are essentially l...